The Retreat By Design Collective is a hand-picked selection of highly skilled, knowledgeable professionals.
Their expertise, support and guidance enable’s the acceleration of the outcome.
They are skilled in the following areas:
Futuristic Visionary
Multi-dimensional Leadership Insight
Sacred Movement
Physical Energy and Innovation
Health and Unlimited Leadership
Empowerment and core values
Activation of Mindful Living and Healing
Julie works with visionary prophecy creating higher dimensional leadership.
A conduit vehicle for exploring the DNA within oneself, the often-hidden purpose and potential that is never acknowledged, often diminished through layers and layers of external conditioning culturalization, socialization and misplaced values that separates someone from a sense of self and purpose. When the DNA within you is unleashed you become awakened and aware to all that you are.
Jacqui works with movement to align you to your potential.
Life is movement – physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and mystical. Jacqui helps you to unlock this movement to create balance, wholeness and completion with self, so you can move into your higher potential with ease.
Jacqui brings greatness through grace and gratitude in understanding the bodies energy through the activation of movement and the integration in alignment with the power of our emotions, mind and unique essence. It is the alchemy for forward movement of inspired production.
Sarah leads with compassion when working with empowerment, mindfulness and core values. Helping you end the separation that creates competition.
Her focus is personal and professional dynamics – igniting your pathways to peace, passion and purpose.
Sarah brings forth her unique energy of love, truth and humanity. Sharing a deep understanding and a longevity of experience of what needs to change within the workplace and within oneself in order to restore balance and harmony within the inter-dynamics of how one relates.
When these inter-dynamics are fully understood and integrated both personally and professionally within the way you relate to all things, there will be a rise of potential, productivity and a deeper understanding of the human mechanics of profit.
Pam is an expert in change management. Pam uses her innate expertise and high-level corporate experience, connecting you to unlimited leadership to birth your brilliance.
Pam delivers understanding, advancement, the art of leadership and feminine power in a multitude of ways, including the advancement of health and wellbeing, the balance of work, home and leadership. A prelude to the potential, the bespoke potential within the individual.
Alison is a natural healer who is a catalyst for change. She enables you to awaken to your inner self, helping you on your journey to selfdiscovery by removing blocks and restrictions that hold you back.
Alison brings forth the acknowledgement and ownership of true emotional health and wellbeing, when one identifies with the emotional health or ill health at the core of their being, through the identification process they are able to release, rise, heal, empower and lead, through the activation of all senses. This brings forth insight, intuition and advanced inner knowing of the potential within.
Deborah focuses on the prediction of rhythm and flow through personal and professional timing. Clarity comes from understanding your energetic cycles.
Deborah delves into the hidden wisdom of ancient knowledge that allows your advancement on every level. It is in the depths of personal understanding that graces you with the knowledge to personally shine. Through understanding your energy, rhythm and flow that you are akin to planet. When you understand when to stop and when to start, your health and wealth will advance.
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Are you ready to go from conflict and confusion to clarity and confidence?